Saturday, August 31, 2013

Too cute to look at!
We have some new little friends on the farm! They are tiny cute and fluffy and soft and they still smell like egg shell! Here They are!
Photo: Had a hen who was living in the barn. Thought she was just being rebellious but today we figured out what she was up to! Seven little newcomers to the farm! Who knew that they could do it all themselves. She's a great mom!
7 little fluff balls smaller than an apple!

I cant look at that picture without marching up to the barn and cuddling with them!

OK so the other news is....

Milking alone.
Well the story to this is its hunting season and that means the men are gone for a long time and it also means I lost my milking buddy! So while dad is hunting I milk Cookie Doe all by myself. and I have a chicken for company! her name is Henretta and she fallows me up to the barn and kicks up dirt to find seeds and goat feed in the straw! The only thing is that the mother hen with her chicks attacks her if she gets to close. But I have some company and I am thankful for Henreetta! 

Thank you for reading the news today! p.s. check tomorrow for a big surprise!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


This just in! There is strange bug/fish creatures in our horse water! I couldn't catch one to take a picture because they were to fast. so I am going to describe it....It kinda has a mino body but it has a small head, it has legs but it uses its tiny tail to swim. it doesn't has fins but it has tiny tiny scales that look like a chicken scales on its foot. it is very strange and it is about a quarter size of an inch small. my brother caught one but put it back before I could snap a photo and I did notice that it used it leg to climb up his finger...CREEPY! and then there is two other very fast strange bugs they have a body the size of a penny and legs the length of an inch and it uses its legs to swim! Please comment if you know or if you think you know what these strange creatures are! 

Goat of the week!
The goat of this week is...

Bo has been trained to walk when I click my tongue and stop when I say "whoa!" I am training him to be a cart goat and I am saving up my money to buy a cart!

Thank you for reading the news today!