Tuesday, March 1, 2016

New update...
Hey everyone,
sorry I haven't been updating very often, but here is an update on everything. First of all... We bought a house! I know I probably said we were going to build a house, but my Mom saw that the house across the road was for sale, for only $90,000! So we bought it... It's definitely a "Fixer Upper" (anyone watch that show? :-D)but we are fixing it up and I am very very excited! It is a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom, but we are putting a room in the garage, (I know, weird) and that will be my parents room, and I get one of the other 2 bedrooms! I am very happy we got it, and I know it will be an awesome house. It has a big hill, with lots of trees, and rocks, and plants, and it is just the best backyard ever!

All of our animals are doing good and...  Cookie Doe is pregnant!!!! If you don't know who Cookie Doe is... She is a goat, she can be mean sometimes, but not to us, just other goats, and our pup Mack. Speaking of Mack, he is growing up, but he is a big trouble maker. He sometimes runs away, he thinks the whole neighborhood is his back yard. He is not very violent with our animals, but sometimes barks at our goats and tries to play with them. 

I got a drone! it is an X5C-1 Syma explorer. I got it yesterday, (Monday) and it is awesome, but... I was flying it and the wind took it and blew it up about 80 feet in the air and it landed in our neighbor's yard, so my dad is going to go ask the neighbor if we can go get it when he gets home, it is a big bummer, I only had it 11 hours, and only 4 hours was when I was awake. We are getting chicks!! Tractor Supply is getting chicks soon, and we are going to get Plymouth Rocks, also know as Barred Rocks, we have had this breed a long time, and they lay very good eggs, and a lot of them! We have 8 hens, and we get about 5 or 6  eggs a day, which is a good number of eggs to get during the winter.  I want to share a tip with anyone who has chickens... If any of your hens stop laying, sprinkle some Cayenne Pepper in their food and they will start laying again in about 1 or 2 days. I know its spicy (my Dad dared me to sprinkle some on my tongue) but chickens apparently can't taste the spicy, so it really works!
And yes Grace... Brigit is still alive and well!:-) Unfortunately, our Bourbon Red Tom (Tom is his name) has cancer on his face, is deaf, and is going blind :-( we are probably going to put him down, he is suffering and there is no way he is going to get better. :`(  In case you are wondering, the new page on my blog at the top of the page, that says, "Personalities!" is a page where I describe each of our animals personalities. We have 8 chickens (no roosters) 4 goats, 1 horse, 3 turkey's, 3 dogs, and we are about to get some chicks, and now is when I tell you... We are getting a cat!!! in 2 months we are going to find a kitten to be an outside cat, to catch mice. I LOVE cats, we had one named Sarge, but he ran away when we moved to our last house, but we are getting another one and I am so so excited! Below is a page of what we will name it depending on what color it is and gender...
Black Female: Shadow
Black Male: Shadow
White Female: Angel
White Male: Ninja
Black and White Female: Reese
Black and White Male: Aspen
Orange Female: Cynthia
Orange Male: Charlie
Gray Female: Cinder
Gray Male: Ash
Gray and White Female: Safari
Gray and White Male: Forest
Orange, Black, and White Female: Spice
Orange, Black, and White Male: Traveler
Orange and White Female: Willow
Orange and white Male: Pagosa

                                If I missed any colors, please comment and tell me. Well this ends my report, Thank you for reading! And be sure to check back for more updates! For my followers: I will send you an email every time I update my blog, if you don't want me to, then just email me or comment and tell me.

Thank you for reading my farm blog! Please comment, and check for more updates!