Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Big update!
Hey everyone! for the 100th time I am sorry I haven't posted in a while, And I think the excuse "I have been so busy" is getting a little old so this time I'll just say I forgot to post ;) I have big news with lots of photos including Mack, Our new puppy! Enjoy!

Outside time!
I finally finished school, cleaning my room, and chores and that took FOREVER! So I went outside to snap a few photos, Enjoy!

Here's Mack attack!

What A beautiful farm sight!

 NOTICE: Please comment on what you think this image is! 
if you win I will post a post  anything you want!

Snoopy! The chubby fuzzy cute goat with a thick winter coat!

Charlie all grown up :')

Moose the beautiful boy!

I hope You enjoyed the pics! But we're not done yet!

Mack's bath time!Ready for some cuteness?

Mack! The bath is ready!
Mack in the bath tub!
Ready for soap!
The soap goes on the cloth...
And the cloth goes on Mack!
Here's Mack all soapy and sad because he has to be clean.
Now lets rinse!
Tub clean!
Tub dirty!

Now time to dry you! Sorry, He wouldn't look at me because
he was working on getting out of the bathroom!

Now I have a dirty tub to go clean! Bye!

Thank you for reading the farm blog! Don't forget to comment on what this is!



  1. Love it! Just like Snoopy, his sister - our Lucy - is SO chubby and has a really thick winter coat! She is also really short! That's funny! I love Mack! He is so cute! Is the mystery photo the moon?

  2. Brandye, I can't imagine how cute and funny Lucy looks with her winter coat! Snoopy is also short too! The mystery photo is..............................................The Moon! Please email or comment what you would like me to post on here and I'll post it in a heart beat!
